SmartyList – The Future Of Online Browsing Launched In India

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Internet users across the globe finally have an answer to their teething browsing issues that take up their time and energy in the form of SmartyList. Veeresh Devireddy, founder and IT veteran recently launched SmartyList with an aim to transform the conventional method of browsing through Artificial Intelligence (AI) in as intuitive a manner as possible. In short, it will enhance the user interface (UI) with more interactive controls so that users can save and manage any favorite data instantaneously. Its AI services are designed to find the relevant data in real-time and help users make faster choices.

When it comes to even basic browsing, almost every user is forced to follow the conventional method of bookmarking, taking notes, opening tabs, emails etc., and then making tireless efforts to locate their saved files when needed. With new content being churned out daily and the same situation where users have little or no control over the data, the situation is not slated to show any signs of improvement. On the other hand, every domain (like e-commerce, social network, etc.) specific websites have unique data, but in numerous formats. Even today, users often bookmark complete URLs even though they needed a small piece of information. The most common tendency is to also open multiple active tabs which is more of a psychological concern about not ending up losing sight of their data. These are some of the teething issues and reasons and fundamental concerns of not having control over the data.

SmartyList is platform agnostic since it can easily be incorporated within any UI such as a browser or mobile. This will also facilitate an option to embed custom software logic, services, and actions. For now, all of these are embedded in a browser extension on Chrome, as a core product. In the near future, an interactive button called ‘Shortlist’ will be introduced, that will automatically include the most relevant data and help users to quickly save the same in just one simple click. 

The ‘Shortlist’ button can brilliantly detect several patterns of relevant data on websites. For example, on e-commerce sites (Ex:,, users can shortlist products, on social networks (Ex: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) they can shortlist any feed of type plaintext, photos, videos, etc., on News sites (Ex: Google, Yahoo), they can shortlist any news, and on sites like YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest etc., they shortlist any videos or photos. All in all, every type of information that the user is browsing and saving on the web will be centrally available and easily accessible among other websites.

SmartyList’s vision is to continue to focus on reorganizing the world’s information into Shortlists, with smart capabilities and enriching the overall browsing experience. It’s integration on 15+ major websites such as Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, etc. would help the next billion users to manage their data intuitively and improve productivity on a global scale.

For more information, visit, and you may also check out it’s global launch campaign at .